Portfolio > Present Tense: Excavating History in Braddock


EXCAVATING HISTORY is an artist collective that creates exhibitions, publications, installations, and educational projects that link historical narratives to contemporary life. This August, Excavating History artists will create projects throughout Braddock, PA. The locations for their works include the historic bank building now occupied by Heritage Community Initiatives, the first Carnegie library, vacant lots, evolving green spaces, and a former convent. These artworks will be open to the public beginning August 4th. In addition, a series of linked workshops will be conducted with area youth that will result in hand-bound books that reflect the youth’s explorations of Braddock history and architecture. In October, Present Tense will be exhibited in Chicago at the Chicago Art Department.

Topics the artists are working with include the idea of a 'common' wealth (what we share with one another, and how we each make the other stronger); the hidden histories of the women behind the men who built Braddock; how common weeds and native plants reflect the healing and growth of Braddock’s community members, the labor history of the area; the architectural/cultural legacies of Braddock churches and the idea of a library as a ‘temple.’

Our shared histories leave traces throughout our architecture, landscape and language, and shape our culture. Excavating History artists engage these narratives as an inspiration for artmaking and, importantly, as a platform for all of us to imagine new futures.

Special events include:
AUG 5: Workshops for area youth at HOST/Good Shepherd School, in partnership Heritage Community Initiatives
AUG 5 Gallery opening at Unsmoke
AUG 8 Workshops for area youth at HOST /Good Shepherd in partnership with Heritage Community Initiatives
OCT 14 Exhibition presentation at Chicago Art Department